At GANBAROU! you will find a thorough and ambitious approach to martial arts. We strive for excellence, encouraging our students to aim high. Through rigorous training you will stretch the boundaries of your individual ability, forging within you the determination to walk the winding road towards your true potential.

Whatever it is that brings you to us, we aim to provide you with an environment that encourages you to test yourself in the company of others who are doing the same.

We are an ambitious club, and aim to get the best from our students: to develop self-control; discipline; compassion; and maturity. We know that through rigorous training our students can develop the qualities that will allow them to be of great value to those around them and to society at large.

Click here to find out more.
By artificially creating social units in which everyone is the same age, the ability to help and to learn from each other is greatly reduced. Instead, conditions for competition are automatically created, because each child is put under pressure to be just as good as the next one.

In a group of ten children of quite different ages, there will naturally be much more cooperation than in a group of ten ten-year olds.

[Helena Norberg-Hodge]
Ancient Futures: Learning From Ladakh, p.108-9


Our Karate class is our community. All ages come together and help each other to train and improve.