"The Dojo Kun" is the Oath of the karate student. It is recited at the end of each lesson at the Headquarters of the Japan Karate Association. This Oath should be chanted with strength, never mumbled in insincerity. The truths of the oath should penetrate the mind of the participant. The "Dojo Kun" embodies all we are trying to achieve through the physical efforts of karate training.
Stots, gin kaku can say knee, stom new koto
One, Seek perfection of character.
Stots, makoto no mitch eo, mamorrow koto
One, Be sincere.
Stots, dori o k'know seshi no, yashe now koto
One, Put maximum effort into everything.
Stots, reiggo, o'mon zuru koto
One, Respect others.
Stots, kekki no you oh, imash-e-muru koto
One, Develop self control.
At GANBAROU! you will find a thorough and ambitious approach to martial arts. We strive for excellence, encouraging our students to aim high. Through rigorous training you will stretch the boundaries of your individual ability, forging within you the determination to walk the winding road towards your true potential.
Whatever it is that brings you to us, we aim to provide you with an environment that encourages you to test yourself in the company of others who are doing the same.
We are an ambitious club, and aim to get the best from our students: to develop self-control; discipline; compassion; and maturity. We know that through rigorous training our students can develop the qualities that will allow them to be of great value to those around them and to society at large.
Click here to find out more.
Whatever it is that brings you to us, we aim to provide you with an environment that encourages you to test yourself in the company of others who are doing the same.
We are an ambitious club, and aim to get the best from our students: to develop self-control; discipline; compassion; and maturity. We know that through rigorous training our students can develop the qualities that will allow them to be of great value to those around them and to society at large.
Click here to find out more.